
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Recommendations for The Paper 1

Hi guys who want to improve yourself,to be better each day and who wants to obtain the ENGLISH B HL CERTIFICATE
In this entry blog you can find some tips to do "The paper 1", but before the tips we recommend you the next:

Reading skills and useful knowledge.

- Skimming: Catch the general idea. In a fast way
- Scanning: Search for details. Read carefully
- Re-reading: read again for being sure

Those skills are going to be very useful in order to answer the questions in Paper 1

However you need to remember or study some important knowledges. For example:

  • Verbs Tenses
  • Adverbs and Prepositions
  • Connectors

Now, if you didn't pay attention to the presentation that we showed you or the presentation was too fast, so we added the information in this entry blog. 

General facts and tips:
  • The paper 1 has five texts: A, B, C, D and E
  • You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to do it that means approximately 18 minutes to answer the corresponding questions of each text
  • Generally Text A and Text E have a comprehensible vocabulary that allows you to answer the questions easily, so start with those texts.
  • First of all read the questions of the text that you select, and start reading until you find the answer.
  • Generally the questions and their answers have a sequence, for example the answers of the first questions are in the first paragraphs and so on. Save time searching the answers in the correct paragraphs.
  • Leave the most difficult text for the end, and try to save time with the easiest

Paper 1 has different kind of questions, and here we explain you about the most common:

- Find in the readings the keywords of the questions.
- Identify clear inference from concepts (for example, “The text says that 60% of people think x. What does this mean with regards to the remaining 40%?”)

Find the line in the text and read it very well
- Generally to whom or to what refer the words or phrases are before it. Maybe you will need to re-read the paragraph in which is the line

You need to read all the text for being sure about the answer. Leave this type of question to the end.
- Find in the text the keywords or words related in meaning and check if the sense is the same in the text with the statement. Reduce the options.

- Reduce the options. Match the words that you are sure about their meanings. Reject the ones that are not related
- Deduce the meaning of the words in the left column, using the context (the way in which is used in the reference line)

- Reduce options
- Grammatical deduction: Infer what type of word should be in the gap (a verb, an adjective, a noun)
- If it should be a verb, then deduce with the context what should be the verb tense
- Logical deduction: choose the word that gives sense to the sentence.

- Read the paragraph one by one and try to select the correct from the options
- The heading summarizes the whole paragraph or summarizes the principal idea of the paragraph.
- Use your logical sense to reduce options

- Read and find the sentence (could be redacted in different words) or keywords in the text and check if the sense in the reading is the same with the question.
- Select from the text the line or sentence that has the phrase that demonstrates whether the statement is true or false. Usually the quotation is not too long to exceed the box spaces or the lines.

Those were some of our advices, we hope you like it. And remember something "WE PUT OUR LIMITS" and "THE PRACTICE MAKES A MASTER".

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Hello to all the guys who want to improve yourself, be better each day and want to obtain the IB DIPLOMA.
In this entry blog you can find other tips to do "The paper 1", but before we recommend you the next:

Reading skills and essential knowledge.
- Skimming: Catch the general idea. In a fast way
- Scanning: Search for details. Read carefully
- Re-reading: read again to be sure
This is very important to answer the corresponding questions of each reading.

if you don't pay attention to the presentation that we show you in your course or the presentation was very fast, we added the information in this entry blog.

General facts and tips:
  • -          The paper 1 have 5 texts: A, B, C, D and E

  • -          You have 1 hour and 30 minutes for do it that means approximately 18 minutes for answer the corresponding questions of each text

  • -          Generally Text A and Text E have a comprehensible vocabulary that allows you to answer the questions easily, so start with those texts.

  • -          First at all read the questions of the text that you select, and start reading until you find the answer.

  • -          Generally the questions and their answers have a sequence, for example the answers of the first questions are in the first paragraphs and so on. Save time searching the answer in the correct paragraphs.

  • -          Leave the most difficult text for the end, and try to save time with the easiest

The vocabulary is something very useful, if you don't know the meaning of a world please SEARCH IT IN THE "KILL DONKEY(Dra. Rosa Olmedo 2015)=DICTIONARY".

For example:
Do you know the meaning of all the words in these two lists???!!!!
If you don't know the meaning of any word, don't worry if the word is easy or difficult, you can go wrong now but in THE PAPER 1 not. So we invite you to check the meaning of some adverbs, verbs , etc and their use.

Well now the tips:


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The day of love and lovers around the world

Valentine´s day around the world

"The day of lovers is the day of publicity but is the day that we lie and we can be together with others"- Jarellys MorĂ¡n (2015)

Saint Valentine´s day

The celebration on February 14th

¿What did we know about Saint Valentine´s day?

  • In the whole world have different perspective of how to celebrate it. 
  • The most common thing that is buy in this date is the flower and the chocolates. 
  • Is the most business day. 
  • In Japan, They give cookies. 

The Legend of St. Valentine Day

Roman origin
The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Pagan Origin
While some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial–which probably occurred around A.D. 270–others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. To begin the festival, members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification.
Source: © 2015, A&E Television Networks. History of Valentine’s day. In Retrieved from:

Truancy: Reading Comprehesion Activity Three

10. Name one strategy that did not work in the US
"Locking up kids is not the answer"
Give to students failing marks for missing classes

Truancy: Reading Comprehesion Activity Two

12. What are Dr. Seely's recommendations?
He urges schools to devote more resources to summer programmes before students begin high school and to target students most a risk of chronic truancy

Truancy: Reading Comprehesion Activity One

9. How is ensured that children go to school in Seattle?
The police is alerted immediately when students are absent, helping return them to the classroom more quickly. And the courts see truant students the next week instead of months later, helping to speed intervention

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Good Husband's Guide

  • ·         Be sure is the house is clean and tidy, especially the kitchen area.
  • ·         You should prepare yourself nicely to receive to his wife,
  • ·         Wash your face, will make you look younger and handsome
  • ·         Prepare a good meal
  • ·         Greet to his wife with a warm smile
  • ·         Listen to her.
  • ·     When she suggest something don’t question her judgement or integrity , remember she is the most intense, you have no right to question the mountain.

Good Wife's Guide Training Video

What are the tips to be a perfect wife?
  1. be happy to see your husband
  2. listen to him.
  3. Make your home a place of relax and peace
  4. Speak low, sudden way
  5. Let him talk first
  6. Do not be angry if your husband come back late to home
  7. Prepare yourself to receive to him with a smile.

Which picture is the fairest to you?

The decision depends of the culture each one and the values that is teaching by their parents.
For example according to me: no one, because the men and the women can do the same household chores.
Other opinion of my partner was: No one, Both are unfair. The couple has to be equality in Domestic works.
Other opinion

I respect a lot the opinion of the others but always put ourselves in the feet of others. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Activity Six: Problems that could never happen to us

  • My sport car doesn’t even have an audio jack
  • My hot water ran out in the shower, which sucks cause I was only in there for half.
  • What is my Roomba, my Convection oven or just Google Buzz
  • My cleaning lady is vacuuming I can’t hear a thing.
  • When I opened my bithday card no money fell out.
  • Killed a Spider with a dollar cause I didn't have a tissue

first world problems.jpg
Author: Thinker Crew. Pictures taken from: Funnyz, The First World Problems Rap

First World Problems: What are they? What are First World Countries?

Activity One:
Initial definition of First World Problems:
That is a question to ourselves about what are the principal problems around the world.
Accurate definition: Problems from living in a wealthy and industrialized nation (The Urban dictionary, 2005).

What is the difference between First and Third World countries?
The difference is the number of poor and rich people in each country.

Political Cartoon is by Stuart Carlson at

Activity Two: ¿What are the problems?


  1. Too  much groceries, now, I have to make to trips
  2. Why is apple making new iphones? Now, I have to get another one
  3. My Iphone 5 is too big for my skinny jeans.
  4. I have too much chips for my dip, if I open anymore dip I will have too much dip for my chips
  5. Remote control is over there, but I’m not going to move from here
  6. Eat or not eat.
  7. I don’t have likes for my Facebook status.
  8. I don’t know what I want for my birthday
  9. Somebody set the AC at 72°...I need at 73°


Friday, May 29, 2015

Conclusions: Homeless and Houseless

During this new topic about Homeless and Houseless, There are some conclusions we have seen like Homeless people = NO have families, NO befitting houses, but have places to refuge. Furthermore, Houseless people = NO own HOUSES, but have families. We also learn that the better way to help them is to fight against the stereotypes that we formed in our minds, It’s better to be part of the solutions than  be focus on criticize. Homeless and houseless people deserve an opportunity: Open your mind and your heart. There’s not a worst shortage that the scarcity of love

Homeless vs Houseless: Differences and similarities

What are the differences and similarities between homeless and houseless?

Author: David Rodas, 2015

Own Opinion: I believe, there are many housed people who are still homeless inside, on the other side, I also believe that some people who remain houseless truly have a sense of home within.


Dream Catalyst. (n.d.). The differences between homelessness and houselessness. Retrieved May 31, 2015, from

The difference-between. (n.d.). Homeless vs Houseless What's the difference? Retrieved May 31, 2015, from